Try Our Free Morris Taster Sessions:
No experience necessary - Dancers, Musicans and helpers, everyone welcome on Tuesdays at 19:45. September to April 2025
Or come along to:
Box Hill Village Hall
Boxhill Rd,
Box Hill,
KT20 7JS
Rampant Roosters Dancing with our Italian visitors from Sinalunga at the Stepping Stones Pub, West Humble. After the dancing we all enjoyed a traditional English Sunday Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch.
Singalunga is twinned with Dorking and Rampant Roosters visited Sinalunga at their invitation in July 2024. We performed in Bettoli, Trequanda and at L’Incantaborgo in Sinalunga. Our hosts were extremely hospitable, and we were made to feel most welcome, and enjoyed ourselves immensely. We have been invited back to perform in 2026.
We are a mixed Morris side based firmly in the Cotswold tradition but with a good number of Border dances (from the counties bordering Wales) in our repertoire to provide additional colour and swirling, strong movement.
Our musicians accompany the dancing with traditional and contemporary tunes played on an interesting array of instruments. To mark our 21st Anniversary we introduced a new, Dorking “tradition” of dance.
We perform at least once a week during the summer season, usually on a Tuesday or Thursday evening, but also at weekends at festivals, fetes, shows and any event which requires our lively and joyful display.
During the winter we perform occasionally on special days (e.g. Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, and St George’s Day) but mostly we practice hard to improve our dancing, to train new dancers and to learn new repertoire, traditional and contemporary.
Rampant Roosters Dancing a version of Cuckoo's nest with some of their Morris friends for the people of Dorking on 17th June 2023 at Dorking Day of Dance organised by Boxhill Bedlam Morris.
Morris Dancing celebrates many of the events associated with the lives and community of Morris dancers and was to become the first street dance in England, and perhaps the world, dating back to the middle ages.
The Tree Spirits are released in our Burning of the Sticks Ceremony.
This year they remain captive to watch over our practice sessions and support us in another year of Morris Dancing and friendships with other sides.